Welcome to AeroTEC’s Flight Test Center (AFTC) in Moses Lake, WA. Today we are meeting Daniel Velasquez, AeroTEC Aircraft Maintenance Manager, who will be sharing an overview of the AFTC [...]
Welcome to AeroTEC’s Flight Test Center (AFTC) in Moses Lake, WA. Today we are meeting Martin Tremblay, AeroTEC Director of Aircraft Test Site Operations, who will be sharing an overview of [...]
Modification of Flight Simulator Demonstration Flight of Hydrogen-Electric Hybrid Powertrain A level D flight simulator was temporarily modified to mimic the asymmetries in both the flight [...]
Things Flight Testers Should Know About Electric Engines As a follow on to the white paper “Things Flight Testers Should Know About Batteries”, this paper explores some of the unique challenges [...]
AeroTEC is continuing to accelerate the evolution of aerospace through further reinforcement and integration of our engineering toolbox. With the help of Applied CAx, we have been able to further [...]
Things Flight Testers Should Know About Hydrogen Hydrogen powertrains are an area of significant interest in aviation and other industries today. All types of systems ranging from direct [...]
FIRST FLIGHT OF THE ECARAVAN MAGNIX AND AEROTEC’S ALL-ELECTRIC CESSNA 208B TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR Caravan, referred to as the eCaravan. At the time, it was the largest commercial all-electric [...]
TEST PLANNING, AN INTEGRATED APPROACH An integrated approach to test planning provides several advantages as opposed to a nonintegrated approach. What is a non-integrated approach? Consider test [...]
THINGS FLIGHT TESTERS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BATTERIES FOR ELECTRIC PROPULSION The implementation of flight test techniques for electrically powered aircraft is still very unknown to the average [...]
FTIES: THE INSTRUMENTATION OF SAFETY As Flight Test Engineers, we always operate to a set of requirements. These requirements define our scope, hazard levels, mitigation techniques, etc. with the [...]