AeroTEC has a FAA Part 145 certified repair station at our Flight Test Center in Moses Lake, WA where we perform a variety of maintenance services including line maintenance, return to service, structural repairs, lease reconfigurations, special missions’ modifications, and more.

AeroTEC has a FAA Part 145 certified repair station at our Flight Test Center in Moses Lake, WA where we perform a variety of maintenance services including line maintenance, return to service, structural repairs, lease reconfigurations, special missions’ modifications, and more.
Facilities & Capabilities
- Two wide body aircraft hangars that are 85,000 sq ft and 65,000 sq ft hangar (747-8 & 777X capable) and a narrow body hangar that is 32,000 sq ft hangar (capable of parking two Boeing 737s)
- Aircraft maintenance by licensed A&P mechanics
- Airframe ratings: 727, 737NG, 737 MAX, 747, 777, Cessna C208B Caravan
- Powerplant rating: RB211, PT6, CF6, CFM56, PW4000, LEAP-1B, GE90, Trent, JT8D-17
- AD/SB officiation and inspection support for structures or systems
- STC implementation
- Lease returns and reconfigurations
- Aircraft storage (short or long-term)
- AOG team to support out of service aircraft
- Wire shop: Onsite wire harness fabrication
- Battery repair station: Onsite battery servicing, including regular maintenance and overhaul
- Non-destructive (NDT) inspection: Mag Particle bench, liquid fluorescent penetrant bench, shot peening and UT equipment

In-house Engineering & DERs
Because we are an engineering company at our core, maintenance and modification customers have access to an experienced team that can solve your toughest challenges. We’ll work with you to identify top maintenance and reliability issues, identify root causes, and design solutions that meets your needs and keep your aircraft in service. We can even reverse engineering troublesome parts and design, test, certify and manufacture replacement PMA parts for your fleet at our AS9100D certified manufacturing center.
AeroTEC maintains an efficient and integrated process-based approach to quality management. The QMS system is adaptable and flexible to meet customer needs and provides the team with both flexibility and accountability.
AeroTEC has developed a Safety Management System to support all aspects of its business. This system includes the support of EH&S, a Flight Safety Officer, and the safety elements required of the Part 145 MRO. A key element of the SMS is a 24/7 safety reporting line. For all concerns or incidents raised the relevant safety officers follow AeroTEC process to address the concern, contain risk, and implement corrective actions.